  author = {Huahao Shou and Ralph Martin and Irina Voiculescu and Adrian Bowyer and Guojin Wang},
  title = {Affine Arithmetic in Matrix Form for Polynomial Evaluation and Algebraic Curve Drawing},
  journal = {Progress in Natural Science},
  volume = {12},
  number = {1},
  pages = {77--81},
  year = 2002,
  month = jan,
  note = {Some sources give only I. V. as author, others omit H. S. and G.W.},
  abstract = {This paper shows how tight bounds for the range of a bivariate polynomial can be found using a matrix method based on affine arithmetic. Then, this method is applied to drawing an algebraic curve with a hierarchical algorithm, which demonstrates that more accurate answers can be obtained more rapidly than using conventional interval arithmetic.},
  altkeys = {sho-mar-voi-02-aa-matr}