  author = {A.X. Falc{\~a}o and J. Stolfi and R.A. Lotufo},
  title = {The Image Foresting Transform: Theory, Algorithms and Applications},
  institution = {Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas},
  number = {IC-03-04},
  pages = {24},
  year = 2003,
  month = apr,
  abstract = {The image foresting transform (IFT) is a graph-based approach to the design of image processing operators based on connectivity. It naturally leads to correct and efficient implementations, and to a better understanding of how different operators relate to each other. We give here a precise definition of the IFT, and a procedure to compute it---a generalization of Dijkstra's algorithm---with a proof of correctness. We also discuss implementation issues and illustrate the use of the IFT in a few applications.},
  altkeys = {fal-sto-lot-01-reltec}