  author = {Liang-Jia Zhu and Zong-Tan Zhou and, Jing-Wei Zhang and De-Wen Hu},
  title = {A Partial Curve Matching Method for Automatic Reassembly of {2D} Fragments},
  booktitle = {Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
  number = {345},
  pages = {645--650},
  year = 2006,
  issn = {0170-8643},
  abstract = {An important step in automatic reassembly of 2D fragments is to find candidate matching pairs for adjacent fragments. In this paper, we propose a new partial curve matching method to find the candidate matches. In this method, the fragment contours are represented by their turning functions. The matching segments between two fragment contours are found by analyzing the difference curve between two turning functions directly. The performance of our method is illustrated with randomly shredded document fragments.},
  altkeys = {zhu-zho-zha-hu-06-frag}