  author = {Gamito, M. and Maddock, S.},
  title = {Ray Casting Implicit Fractal Surfaces with Reduced Affine Arithmetic},
  journal = {Visual Computer},
  volume = 23, 
  pages = {155--165},
  year = 2007,
  doi = {10.1007/s00371-006-0090-7},
  comment = {Reduced AA},
  abstract = {A method is presented for ray casting implicit surfaces defined by fractal combinations of procedural noise functions. The method is robust and uses affine arithmetic to bound the variation of the implicit function along a ray. The method is also efficient due to a modification in the affine arithmetic representation that introduces a condensation step at the end of every non-affine operation. We show that our method is able to retain the tight estimation capabilities of affine arithmetic for ray casting implicit surfaces made from procedural noise functions while being faster to compute and more efficient to store.}