  author = {Giuseppe Bilotta},
  title = {Self-Verified Extension of Affine Arithmetic to Arbitrary Order},
  journal = {Le Matematiche},
  volume = {63},
  year = 2008,
  number = {1},
  pages = {15--30},
  url = {https://lematematiche.dmi.unict.it/index.php/lematematiche/article/download/47/46},
  note = {See errata (missing references)~\cite{bil-08-aa-hiorder-errata}},
  comment = {Multilinear AA to approximate multivariate polynomials},
  abstract = {Affine Arithmetic (AA) is a self-verifying computational approach
that keeps track of first-order correlation between uncertainties in the data
and intermediate and final results. In this paper we propose a higher-order
extension satisfying the requirements of genericity, arbitrary-order and
self-verification, comparing the resulting method with other well-known
high-order extensions of AA.}