@inproceedings{cha-pla-veg-09-aa-rbfmesh, author = {Chattopadhyay, Amit and Plantinga, Simon and Vegter, Gert}, booktitle = {25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG)}, location = {Brussels, BE}, title = {Certified Meshing of RBF-based Isosurfaces}, year = 2009, month = mar, pages = {101-104}, note = {See [cha-pla-veg-12-aa-radial]. No DOI?}, comment = {Tried AA but found that it was not fast enough so developed a different method.}, abstract = {Radial Basis Functions are widely used in scattered data interpolation. The process consists of two steps: (i) computing an interpolating implicit function the zero set of which contains the points in the data set, followed by (ii) extraction of isocurves or isosurfaces. We focus on the second step, generalizing our earlier work on certified meshing of implicit surfaces based on interval arithmetic. It turns out that interval arithmetic, and even the usually faster affine arithmetic, are far too slow in the context of RBFbased implicit surface meshing. We present optimized strategies giving acceptable running times and better space complexity, exploiting special properties of RBF-interpolants. We present pictures and timing results confirming the improved quality of these optimized strategies.} }