  author = {Bouissou, Olivier and Goubault, {\'E}ric and Goubault-Larrecq, Jean and Putot, Sylvie}
  title = {A Generalization of {P}-Boxes to Affine Arithmetic, and Applications to Static Analysis Of Programs},
  howpublished = {Online document},
  url = {http://scan2010.ens-lyon.fr/SCAN2010_Bouissou_Goubault_Goubault-Larrecq_Putot.pdf},
  note = {Slides of a presentation at 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN 2010), Lyon, FR},
  year = 2011,
  month = sep,
  pages = {27},
  comment = {Describes AA and shows how to use it to improve probability boxes (P-boxes).},
  abstract = {Contents: (1) Static analysis of programs - Why do we want to mix non-determinism and probabilities? (2) A quick recap on affine forms, and P-boxes/Dempster-Shafer structures; (3) Combining the two approaches (4) Examples and first experiments}