@inproceedings{nin-mes-10-aa-globopt, author = {Jordan Ninin and Frédéric Messine}, title = {A Mixed Affine Reformulation Method for Global Optimization}, booktitle = {Proc. Tolouse Global Optimzation Workshop (TOGO 2010)}, year = 2010, pages = {101 -- 104}, url = {http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/togo10/TOGO10-proceedings.pdf}, comment = {Extension of AA to global optimization of mixed integer problems}, abstract = {An automatic method for constructing mixed integer linear relaxations of mixed integer non-convex optimization problems is proposed. This method is an extension of the affine reformulation technique [4] in order to consider mixed integer problems. The so-generated mixed integer linear program has exactly the same number of variables and of inequality constraints as the given problems. Thus, the resolution wastes less time. This technique is including in an interval branch and bound algorithm to improve the computation of lower bounds.} }