  author = {Skalna, Iwona},
  title = {Direct Method for Solving Parametric Interval Linear Systems with Non-affine Dependencies},
  booktitle = {Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics},
  year = 2010,
  publisher = {Springer},
  pages = {485--494},
  isbn = {978-3-642-14403-5},
  comment = {Solving linear systems with interval coefficients},
  abstract = {Many real-life problems can be modelled by systems of linear equations or safely transformed to the linear case. When uncertain model parameters are introduced by intervals, then a parametric interval linear system must properly be solved to meet all possible scenarios and yield useful results. In general case, system coefficients are nonlinear functions of parameters. The Direct Method for solving such systems is proposed. Affine arithmetic is used to handle nonlinear dependencies. Some illustrative examples are solved and the results are compared to the literature data produced by other methods.}