@techreport{cas-gom-sto-11-deform-tr, author = {Elisa de C{\'a}ssia Silva Rodrigues and Anamaria Gomide and Jorge Stolfi}, title = {A User-Editable $C^1$-Continuous {2.5D} Space Deformation Method For {3D} Models}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, number = {IC-11-14}, note = {In English}, pages = {16}, month = jun, year = 2011, abstract = {Shape deformation methods are important in such fields as geometric modeling and computer animation. In biology, modeling of shape, growth, movement and pathologies of living microscopic organisms or cells require smooth deformations, which are essentially 2D with little change in depth. In this paper, we present a 2.5D space deformation method. The 3D model is modified by deforming an enclosing control grid of prisms. Spline interpolation is used to satisfy the smoothness requirement. We implemented this method in an editor which makes it possible to define and modify the deformation with the mouse in a user-friendly way. The experimental results show that the method is simple and effective.} }