  author = {Esteban, Luis and L{\'o}pez, Juan A. and Sedano Algarabel, Enrique and Hern{\'a}ndez-Montero, Sergio and S{\'a}nchez, Miguel},
  title = {Quantization Analysis of the Infrared Interferometer of the {TJ-II} Stellarator for its Optimized {FPGA}-based Implementation},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  volume = {60},
  number = {5},
  pages = {3592-3596},
  year = 2013,
  month = oct,
  doi = {10.1109/TNS.2013.2278918},
  comment = {Problem is choosing bit width for DSP on an FPGA.  Mentions AA but it is not clear whether they use it.},
  abstract = {Infrared interferometers are used in magnetic fusion devices for measuring the line-integrated electron density of the plasmas. An FPGA-based processing system is currently being used in the TJ-II infrared interferometer to compute the line-integrated electron density. In high performance Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications, the computations carried out in the FPGAs are usually performed in fixed point. The floating-point values of the algorithm description must be quantized to their fixed-point counterparts, introducing some deviations with respect to the un-quantized case. These deviations are modeled as Round-Off Noise (RON) sources, whose effects are propagated through the different parts of the system. Thus, these quantization operations significantly affect the maximum attainable system performance. In the TJ-II system, the amount of RON is a limiting factor. Therefore, its analysis and reduction is essential to perform the control operations in real time.},
  url = {{\url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6613537/?casa_token=viLQVgU53b0AAAAA:b143syPLOdX1Gbblv2dMhP2m3nYzCxavEmoIckpWpe04HuDf3NRVoJx_0iJuYlvoli41wS3M}}},
  quotes = {... In [7], the temporal correlation problem of Affine Arithmetic is solved by including all the terms with ... However, since the applied analytical method is Affine Arithmetic, the treatment of the ...}