  author = {Mu{\~n}oz, Juan and Ca{\~n}izares, Claudio and Bhattacharya, Kankar and Vaccaro, Alfredo},
  title = {An Affine Arithmetic-Based Method for Voltage Stability Assessment of Power Systems With Intermittent Generation Sources}, 
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems}, 
  year = 2013,
  volume = {28},
  number = {4},
  pages = {4475-4487},
  doi = {10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2276424},
  comment = {Application},
  abstract = {This paper presents a novel method based on affine arithmetic (AA) for voltage stability assessment of power systems considering uncertainties associated with operating conditions, which may be attributed to intermittent generation sources, such as wind and solar. The proposed AA-based method reduces the computational burden as compared to Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, and also improves the accuracy as compared to some analytical approaches. The proposed method is tested using two study cases: first, a 5-bus test system is used to illustrate the proposed technique in detail, and thereafter a 2383-bus test system to demonstrate its practical application. The results are compared with those obtained using MC simulations to verify the accuracy and computational burden of the proposed AA-based method, and also with respect to a previously proposed technique to estimate parameter sensitivities in voltage stability assessment.},
  altkeys = {min-can-bha-vac-13-aa-voltstab}