  author = {Bouissou, Olivier and Mimram, Samuel and Strazzulla, Baptiste and Chapoutot, Alexandre},
  title = {Set-Based Simulation for Design and Verification of {Simulink} Models}, , Feb 2014, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-01290286⟩
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2)},
  year = 2014,
  month = feb,
  location = {Toulouse, FR},
  url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01290286},
  pages = {??},
  comment = {Describes HySon, an AA based simulator that takes Simulink system description},
  abstract = {Model-based design is a widely used methodology for the development of embedded critical software, such as a discrete controller for a continuous plant. In this setting, numerical simulation of both the plant and the controller plays a crucial role, since it is used to validate the design choices in the early stages of development. However, classical numerical simulation has inherent limitations: it is of limited precision and cannot deal with the intrinsic non-determinism present in complex systems. In this article, we present a tool named HySon that overcomes these drawbacks. It takes as input a Simulink model of a control-command system with non-deterministic uncertainties and automatically computes flow-pipes that contain all possible trajectories of the system. We show on some examples how HySon can be used to improve the quality of model-based design.}