  author = {Gbaguidi, Audrey  and Kim, Daewon},
  title = {Fatigue Damage Prognosis Using Affine Arithmetic},
  journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},
  volume = {1581},
  number = {1},
  pages = {719-726},
  year = 2014,
  doi = {10.1063/1.4864891},
  comment = {Application to modeling propagation of cracks/delamination in stressed mechanical parts},
  abstract = {Among the essential steps to be taken in structural health monitoring systems, damage prognosis would be the field that is least investigated due to the complexity of the uncertainties. This paper presents the possibility of using Affine Arithmetic for uncertainty propagation of crack damage in damage prognosis. The structures examined are thin rectangular plates made of titanium alloys with central mode I cracks and a composite plate with an internal delamination caused by mixed mode I and II fracture modes, under a harmonic uniaxial loading condition. The model-based method for crack growth rates are considered using the Paris Erdogan law model for the isotropic plates and the delamination growth law model proposed by Kardomateas for the composite plate. The parameters for both models are randomly taken and their uncertainties are considered as defined by an interval instead of a probability distribution. A Monte Carlo method is also applied to check whether Affine Arithmetic (AA) leads to tight bounds on the lifetime of the structure.}