  author = {Yuchi Kanzawa},
  title = {On Applying Affine Arithmetic to Possibilistic Clustering},
  journal = {IEICE Technical Report},
  volume = {113},
  number = {463},
  pages = {87-90},
  year = 2014,
  month = mar,
  location = {Osaka},
  issn = {0913-5685},
  comment = {AA for probabilistic $c$-means clustering. ``Possibilistic''?},
  abstract = {In this report, applying affine arithmetic to possibilistic $c$-means clustering is proposed. Setting cluster number with one and initial cluster center with a datum, cluster centers for possibilistic $c$-means clustering converge to points less than data. The affine form with center of the first cluster center and a radius is checked with affine arithmetic for convergence. Clustering procedure is not needed for other data if such the data are in the previously obtained affine forms, and they are classified into the corresponding cluster.}