  author = {La Gatta, Paula O. and Passos Filho, Jo{\~a}o A. and Pereira, Jos{\'e} L. R. and Henriques, Ricardo M.},
  title = {An Affine Arithmetic Method to Identify Voltage Control Areas for Secondary Voltage Control}, 
  booktitle = {Proc. 2015 IEEE PowerTech Conference},
  location = {Eindhoven, NL}, 
  year = 2015,
  pages = {1-6},
  doi = {10.1109/PTC.2015.7232612},
  month = jun,
  comment = {Usas AA to compute power flow in eletric grids.},
  abstract = {This paper aims to present a methodology to identify Voltage Control Areas (VCA) for Secondary Voltage Control (SVC). The proposed methodology consists in the representation of data uncertainty using Affine Arithmetic (AA) applied to the Power Flow Analysis. The uncertainty used in this paper is associated only with reactive power demand, mainly due to forecast errors. The IEEE 14 bus test system and the IEEE 118 bus system are used to evaluate the proposed methodology and the results presented validate and indicate the effectiveness of using an AA-based method to identify VCA.}