  author = {Carlini, Enrico Maria and Pisani, Cosimo and Vaccaro, Alfredo and Villacci, Domenico},
  title = {A Reliable Computing Framework for Dynamic Line Rating of Overhead Lines},
  journal = {Electric Power Systems Research},
  volume = {132},
  pages = {1-8},
  year = 2016,
  month = mar,
  doi = {10.1016/j.epsr.2015.11.004},
  comment = {Uses AA to estimate the capacity of power lines.},
  abstract = {Indirect methods for dynamic loadability analysis have been recognized as enabling methodologies for improving the overhead line exploitation, since they do not require the need of a direct measurement of the conductor temperature, implying simple and inexpensive installation, and maintenance procedures. Despite these benefits, indirect methods suffer for several limitations, which mainly derive from the strong uncertainties affecting the loadability estimation process. To overcome these limitations, a novel self-validated computing framework for indirect loadability analysis of overhead line is proposed in this article. Experimental results obtained on a real 150 kV overhead line are presented and discussed in order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.}