  author = {Radoji{\v{c}}i{\'c}, {\v{C}}arna},
  title = {Symbolic Simulation of Mixed-Signal Systems with Extended Affine Arithmetic},
  school = {University of Kaiserslautern},
  type = {doctoralthesis},
  year = 2016,
  month = sep,
  pages = {115},
  note = {Advisor: Christoph Grimm},
  url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:386-kluedo-44837},
  comment = {Mixed-signal systems combine analog circuits with digital hardware and software systems. A particular challenge is the sensitivity of analog parts to even small deviations in parameters, or inputs. Parameters of circuits and systems such as process, voltage, and temperature are never accurate; we hence model them as uncertain values (`ncertainties'). Uncertain parameters and inputs can modify the dynamic behavior and lead to properties of the system that are not in specified ranges. For verification of mixed- signal systems, the analysis of the impact of uncertainties on the dynamical behavior plays a central role. Verification of mixed-signal systems is usually done by numerical simulation. A single numerical simulation run allows designers to verify single parameter values out of often ranges of uncertain values. Multi-run simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo Simulation, Corner Case simulation, and enhanced techniques such as Importance Sampling or Design-of-Experiments allow to verify ranges -- at the cost of a high number of simulation runs, and with the risk of not finding potential errors. Formal and symbolic approaches are an interesting alternative. Such methods allow a comprehensive verification. However, formal methods do not scale well with heterogeneity and complexity. Also, formal methods do not support existing and established modeling languages. This fact complicates its integration in industrial design flows. In previous work on verification of Mixed-Signal systems, Affine Arithmetic is used for symbolic simulation. This allows combining the high coverage of formal methods with the ease-of use and applicability of simulation. Affine Arithmetic computes the propagation of uncertainties through mostly linear analog circuits and DSP methods in an accurate way. However, Affine Arithmetic is currently only able to compute with contiguous regions, but does not permit the representation of and computation with discrete behavior, e.g. introduced by software. This is a serious limitation: in mixed-signal systems, uncertainties in the analog part are often compensated by embedded software; hence, verification of system properties must consider both analog circuits and embedded software. The objective of this work is to provide an extension to Affine Arithmetic that allows symbolic computation also for digital hardware and software systems, and to demonstrate its applicability and scalability. Compared with related work and state of the art, this thesis provides the following achievements: 1. The thesis introduces extended Affine Arithmetic Forms (XAAF) for the representation of branch and merge operations. 2. The thesis describes arithmetic and relational operations on XAAF, and reduces over-approximation by using an LP solver. 3. The thesis shows and discusses ways to integrate this XAAF into existing modeling languages, in particular SystemC. This way, breaks in the design flow can be avoided. The applicability and scalability of the approach is demonstrated by symbolic simulation of a $\Delta$-$\Sigma$ Modulator and a PLL circuit of an IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver system},
  altkeys = {rad-16-aa-simul}