  author = {Ding, Tongyu and Zhang, Liang and Trinchero, Riccardo and Stievano, Igor S. and Canavero, Flavio G.},
  title = {Worst-Case Analysis of Electrical and Electronic Equipment via Affine Arithmetic}, 
  booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2017)}, 
  year = 2017,
  pages = {991-993},
  doi = {10.1109/ICEAA.2017.8065425},
  month = sep,
  comment = {Worst-case electronic circuit analysis},
  abstract = {This paper proposes to generate a smart tool that can inherently and effectively capture the results of parameter variations on the system responses of lumped and distributed electrical circuits. This methodology leverages the so-called affine arithmetic and represents parameter-dependent responses in terms of a multivariate polynomial. The affine representation is propagated from input parameters to circuit responses through a suitable redefinition of the basic operations, such as addition, multiplication or matrix inversion, that are involved in the circuit solution. The proposed framework is applied to the frequency-domain analysis of switching converters, and it turns out to be accurate and more efficient than traditional solutions based on Monte Carlo analysis.}