@article{abo-els-sal-kin-19-aa-volflu, author = {Abdel A. Abou El-Ela and Ragab A. El-Sehiemy and Eman Salah Ali and Abdel-Mohsen Kinawy}, title = {Minimisation of Voltage Fluctuation Resulted from Renewable Energy Sources Uncertainty in Distribution Systems}, journal = {IET Generation Transmission {\&} Distribution}, year = 2019, volume = {13} number = {12}, pages = {2339-2351}, month = jun, doi = {10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.5136}, url = {https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.5136}, comment = {Mentions complex number AA}, abstract = {The penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) in distribution systems faces many issues due to their output uncertainty resulted from climate conditions. The uncertainty impacts on the voltage fluctuations are reduced by using a proposed bi-stage method. At first, the system voltage is controlled by determining the optimal setting of voltage-regulating devices such as voltage regulators, transformer tap changers and static VAR compensator. Then, the dispatchable distributed generation (DDGs) units are accompanied by the voltage regulating devices to achieve more reduction in the voltage fluctuations. In this line, unbalanced backward–forward sweep load flow method is formulated to analyse the unbalanced operation of three-phase distribution systems. The main objectives of the proposed method are to reduce voltage fluctuations to maintain voltage profile within its permissible limits. In addition, the cat swarm optimiser (CSO) is implemented to obtain the optimal planning of voltage regulating devices and DDGs to achieve the lowest uncertainty influence on the voltage fluctuations. The proposed method is applied to a real unbalanced IEEE 34-bus distribution test system. The highest capability of CSO algorithm, i.e. CSO provides the highest reduction on the voltage fluctuations, is proven compared with particle swarm optimisation, harmony search and water cycle algorithms.} }