@article{alv-19-aa-radist, author = {Alves, Helton do Nascimento}, title = {An Interval Arithmetic-Based Power Flow Algorithm for Radial Distribution Network with Distributed Generation}, journal = {Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems}, volume = {30}, pages = {802-811}, year = 2019, month = may, doi = {10.1007/s40313-019-00478-7}, comment = {Uses IA. Says AA is future work.}, abstract = {This paper presents a primary distribution system power flow analysis in the presence of uncertainties in distributed generation and loads. The algorithm is based on a backward/forward sweep power flow algorithm with power flow updates. The uncertainties are modelled by real compact intervals based on interval arithmetic. A simple and interactive method is used to consider the generator bus voltage controls and reactive power limits. Simulations are presented on a 69-bus, a 104-bus and a 282-bus test distribution system to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The power flow solution bounds obtained by the proposed algorithm are compared to those calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation. The results confirm the efficiency of the proposed method which makes it promising to solve real problems of power flow analysis in distribution feeders.} }