  author = {Chen, Qiang and Fei, Qingguo and Wu, Shaoqing and Li, Yanbin},
  title = {Prediction of Transient Statistical Energy Response for Two-Subsystem Models Considering Interval Uncertainty},
  journal = {Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification},
  volume = {4},
  number = {2},
  pages = {article 021004, 8 pages},
  year = 2019,
  month = jun,
  doi = {10.1115/1.4045201},
  comment = {Uses AA to compute the high-frequency transient response of solid parts.},
  abstract = {The transient response analysis is important for the design and evaluation of uncertain engineering systems under impact excitations. In this paper, statistical energy analysis (SEA) is developed to evaluate the high-frequency transient energy response of two-subsystem models considering interval uncertainties. Affine arithmetic (AA) and a subinterval technique are introduced into SEA to improve the computational accuracy. Numerical simulations on a coupled-plate and a plate-cavity system considering interval uncertainties are performed. The analysis precision of the proposed approach is validated by Monte Carlo (MC) method. The results show that the analysis precision of the proposed method decreases with the increasing uncertainty level of parameters. The computational accuracy of the proposed method can be significantly improved by employing AA and subinterval technique.}