  author = {Chen, Qiang and Fei, Qingguo and Wu, Shaoqing and Li, Yanbin},
  title = {Uncertainty Propagation of the Energy Flow in Vibro-Acoustic System with Fuzzy Parameters},
  journal = {Aerospace Science and Technology},
  volume = {94},
  pages = {article 105367},
  year = 2019,
  month = nov,
  doi = {10.1016/j.ast.2019.105367},
  comment = {Mentions AA but uses only IA with subdivision.},
  abstract = {Uncertainties to varying degrees often exist in the analysis and design problems of vibro-acoustic systems. This paper investigates the high-frequency vibro-acoustic analysis problem with large levels of fuzzy parameters. By employing the level-cut strategy, the energy balance equations with fuzzy parameters are firstly transformed into the interval forms. Then, by combining the perturbation method, the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula, and the statistical energy analysis, a modified perturbation statistical energy analysis (MPSEA) is proposed to predict the uncertainty propagation of the energy flow in vibro-acoustic systems with fuzzy parameters. Further, the sub-interval technique is introduced in MPSEA to improve its accuracy for the systems with large levels of fuzzy parameters. Numerical simulations of a plate-cavity system and a launcher fairing model with fuzzy parameters are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of proposed method. Results indicate that the proposed MPSEA with a suitable number of sub-intervals is capable of predicting the energy flow in vibro-acoustic system with large fuzzy parameter accurately and efficiently.}