  author = {Chebbah, Mohammed and Ouanes, Mohand and Zidna, Ahmed},
  title = {Improvement Combined with (Analysis, {CSP}, Arithmetic Analysis and Interval) of Simulations for Efficient Combination of Two Lower Bound Functions in (Univariate, multivariate) Global Optimization and Generalization},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Advances on Applied Mathematics (ICAAM)},
  publisher = {Tunisian Association of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ATMAI)},
  year = 2019,
  month = dec,
  location = {Sfax, Tunisia},
  pages = {9},
  note = {No DOI or page numbers?},
  url = {https://www.ummto.dz/dspace/handle/ummto/11525},
  comment = {Mentions AA but it is not clear that they use it.  Very badly written paper.},
  abstract = {Univariate global optimization problems attract attention of researchers. Several methods have been studied in the literature for univariate global optimization problems. Optimization in $\mathbb{R}$ presents the same difficulty as in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Many algorithms are directed in this direction. For cutting methods in Global optimization or Optimsation gradient method in general . In this work, we propose to improve: The article submitted: (Simulations for efficient combination of two lower bound functions in univariate global optimization. AIP Conference Proceedings 1863, 250004 (2017) ; https ://doi.org/10.1063/1.4992412, (2017).) In this context too, we will accelerate the speed of the Algorithm for better complexity with technics (CSP, Arithmetic analysis and Interval and another). It should be noted that, we have made conclusive simulations in this direction.}