  author = {Guido Coletta and Alfredo Vaccaro and Domenico Villacci},
  title = {Fast and Reliable Uncertain Power Flow Analysis by Affine Arithmetic},
  journal = {Electric Power Systems Research},
  volume = {175},
  pages = {105860},
  year = 2019,
  issn = {0378-7796},
  doi = {10.1016/j.epsr.2019.04.038},
  abstract = {The massive penetration of renewable power generators in modern power systems is pushing the research in developing reliable computing techniques aimed at addressing the issues caused by the increasing uncertainty sources induced by their intermittent power profiles and the corresponding power transactions. In this domain affine arithmetic-based power flow analysis has been recognized as one of the most promising research directions, since it allows to address many important power systems operation functions by directly keeping track of uncertainties propagation as part of the computation process. Anyway, AA-based computing requires the deployment of specific software modules implementing the main AA-based mathematical operators, which could increase the overall complexity of the solution algorithms. To reduce the complexity of AA-based power flow analysis, this paper proposes a new formulation of the uncertain power flow equations, which allows to explicitly compute the Jacobian matrix and apply a traditional Newton--Raphson based algorithm to solve the overall problem. Detailed results obtained on realistic power systems will be presented and discussed in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed method compared to other traditional AA-based methodologies.}