@inproceedings{jac-ved-19-aa-divmet, author = {Maxime Jacquemin and Franck V{\'e}drine}, title = {A Dividing Method Minimizing the Linearization Term in Affine Arithmetic}, booktitle = {Proc. 8th International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains (NSAD 2019)}, location = {Porto, Portugal}, year = 2019, pages = {article 5 (3 pages)}, comment = {Improved division algorithm}, abstract = {Affine arithmetic is a well known tool to derive first order guaranteed approximations of general formulas over real numbers. It is also a useful tool in static analysis to keep track of linear correlations between program variables. However non-linear operations, like multiplications or divisions, introduce compensation terms to over-approximate the residue of the linearization process. Tight estimations of those terms are of utmost importance to obtain precise abstractions and thus a useful analysis. In this paper, we propose a new and simple technique to compute precise compensation terms for divisions.} }