  author = {Yu, Li and Kong, Xiangyu and Chen, Ying},
  title = {Internal State Estimation for Distribution Network with {PMU} Measurement Information}, 
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia 2019)}, 
  year = 2019,
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  pages = {1149-1153},
  doi = {10.1109/ISGT-Asia.2019.8881090},
  issn = {2378-8542},
  month = may,
  comment = {Combines IA and AA},
  abstract = {Due to more and more intelligent devices such as phasor measurement unit (PMU) access to the distribution network, state estimation for distribution network need to consider more and more uncertainty and the great difference in accuracy of different measurement information may lead to non-convergence of weighted least square (WLS) methods. Aiming at the situation of only knowing the upper and lower limits of uncertainties, an interval state estimation for distribution system is proposed, which describes these uncertainties of system measurements are quantitatively d by the interval numbers and affine arithmetic. In order to accurately obtain the results of DSSE, an algorithm based on the combination of interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic is proposed. In this method, the interval numbers and affine arithmetic are transformed into each other in the iterative process to reducing the conservatism of interval state estimation. The estimation results in interval form are used to provide upper and lower bound information of DSSE results for dispatchers more intuitively.}