  author = {Zivkovic, Carna and Grimm, Christoph and Olbrich, Markus and Scharf, Oliver and Barke, Erich},
  title = {Hierarchical Verification of {AMS} Systems With Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams}, 
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems}, 
  year = 2019,
  volume = {38},
  number = {10},
  pages = {1785-1798},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2018.2864238},
  comment = {AMS is analog or mixed digital-analog signal processing system. What is an "AA decision diagram"?},
  abstract = {Formal methods are a promising alternative to simulation-based verification of mixed-signal systems. However, in practice, such methods fail to scale with heterogeneity and complexity of today's analog/mixed-signal systems. Furthermore, it is unclear how they can be integrated into existing verification flows. This paper shows a path to overcome these obstacles. The idea is to use a hierarchical verification flow, in which components can be verified by formal methods or by multirun simulation. To transport verification results across hierarchies, we represent parameters and properties by affine arithmetic decision diagrams. We study to which extent this approach fulfills the needs of practical application by the verification of a phase-locked loop of an IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver system.},