  author = {Aylaj, Bouchra and Bellomo, Nicola and Gibelli, Livio and Knopoff, Dami{\'a}n},
  title = {Crowd Dynamics by Kinetic Theory Modeling: {Complexity}, Modeling, Simulations, and Safety},
  series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics},
  volum = {},
  year = 2020,
  month = oct,
  pages = {98},
  publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool},
  doi = {10.2200/S01055ED1V01Y202009MAS036},
  comment = {Not clear whether or how it uses IA or AA},
  abstract = {The contents of this brief Lecture Note are devoted to modeling, simulations, and applications with the aim of proposing a unified multiscale approach accounting for the physics and the psychology of people in crowds. The modeling approach is based on the mathematical theory of active particles, with the goal of contributing to safety problems of interest for the well-being of our society, for instance, by supporting crisis management in critical situations such as sudden evacuation dynamics induced through complex venues by incidents.}