  title = {Fuzzy-Affine Arithmetic},
  author = {Chakraverty, Snehashish and Rout, Saudamini},
  booktitle = {Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain Static and Dynamic Problems},
  series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics {\&} Statistics},
  year = 2020,
  pages = {53-74},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-02424-5_4},
  comment = {Defines fuzzy-affine arithmetic where fuzzy sets are represented by $a$-cut intervals (parametrized by {a}?).  Then replaces intervals by affine forms.},
  abstract = {Fuzzy numbers and their arithmetic are a very powerful tool to handle uncertain parameters. By adopting the a-cut technique, fuzzy numbers can be parameterized and transformed into a family of intervals. All problems where the operands are in the form of different fuzzy numbers may be solved by using parametric fuzzy arithmetic. The parametric fuzzy arithmetic is based upon the concepts and properties of classic interval arithmetic. But the dependency problem or overestimation problem in standard interval arithmetic is a major hurdle that often leads to overestimation of the solution bounds. As such, fuzzy-affine arithmetic may be used to handle the fuzzy parameters more efficiently.}