@inproceedings{duj-tia-wuz-lia-abb-sun-20-aa-dflow, author = {Du, Jinqiao and Tian, Jie and Wu, Zhi and Li, Ao and Abbas, Ghulam and Sun, Qirun}, title = {An Interval Power Flow Method Based on Linearized {DistFlow} Equations for Radial Distribution Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)}, location = {Nanging, CN}, pages = {1-6}, year = 2020, month = sep, doi = {10.1109/APPEEC48164.2020.9220333}, comment = {Computation of radial-type power distribution systems. Mentions AA; not clear whether uses it.}, abstract = {With consideration of the radial structure of most distribution systems, this paper proposes an interval power flow method based on linearized Distflow equations. In the proposed method, the calculation of interval power flow solution has been modeled as an optimization problem, and the uncertainties derived from the randomness of distributed renewable resources as well as electric vehicle loads are properly involved. The proposed method is more high-efficiency than the existing methods since its linear property, and the 33-bus distribution system as well as a practical urban distribution system is employed to verify its effectiveness.} }