  author = {Comba, Jo{\~a}o and Maciel, Anderson and Freitas, Carla and Nedel, Luciana and Oliveira, Manuel M.},
  title = {Interactive Visualization at {UFRGS}: {Ongoing} Research at the {Computer} {Graphics} and {Interaction} Group},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Visualization (WIVis) of the 25th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI)},
  year = 2021,
  location = {Ouro Preto, BR},
  publisher = {Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto},
  issn = {9-772176-085006},
  pages = {1-4},
  month = aug,
  note = {No DOI?},
  comment = {Short survey of group's work in progress. Mentions use of AA to place sample points on implicit surfaces in order to extract crease lines.},
  abstract = {The Computer Graphics and Interaction group at UFRGS has a well-established tradition of working in the subject of interactive visualization. With publications in the main venues of the field, such as the IEEE Visualization and Eurovis conferences, or journals such as IEEE TVCG (Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics) and Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), the group has consistently produced research in the area of interactive visualization throughout the years. Along the visualization group from USP-Sao Carlos, it organized the two ˜ previous instances of the workshop on interactive visualization, held at Sibgrapi 2007 and 2010. In this paper we summarize the recently published research in the period of 2010 to today. We also describe ongoing projects, that we hope can promote discussions and foster collaborations with other research groups.}