@inproceedings{def-fev-gra-jez-kir-wil-21-aa-iflop, author = {Defour, David and F{\'e}votte, François and Graillat, Stef and J{\'e}z{\'e}quel, Fabienne and Kirschenmann, Wilfried and Lamotte, Jean-Luc and Lathuilière, Bruno and Lhuillier, Yves and Petit, {\'E}ric and Signoles, Julien and Devan, Sohier and Vedrine, Franck}, title = {{InterFLOP}, Interoperable Tools for Computing, Debugging, Validation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs}, booktitle = {Posters of the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC-HPC)}, location = {Virtual meeting}, year = 2021, month = jun, note = {Available at the HAL repository}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03245586}, pages = {1}, comment = {Big project. Uses AA.}, abstract = {Objectives: Set a common platform integrating major tools of the French Floating-Point community to tackle the FP challenges and recent evolutions of software and hardware. We propose new analyses and combinations of existing ones to address the challenge of providing a quick and precise numerical diagnosis requiring little user expertise. InterFLOP will collect and combine information on numerical instabilities, catastrophic cancellations, unstable tests, build various statistical analyses of program executions at minimal overhead.} }