@incollection{fae-imh-van-moe-21-aa-quaunc, author = {Faes, Matthias and Imholz, Maurice and Vandepitte, Dirk and Moens, David}, title = {A Review of Interval Field Approaches for Uncertainty Quantification in Numerical Models}, booktitle = {Non-deterministic Mechanics}, series = {Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics}, isbn = {9781119831839}, volume = {3}, pages = {95-110}, year = 2021, month = jun, doi = {10.1002/9781119831839.ch6}, comment = {Survey paper. Has 5 pages on ``interval field analysis''. Presumably talks about AA, but also has sections on intervals based on ``KL expansion'' and ``convex descriptors''.}, abstract = {Non-deterministic approaches that enable uncertainty analysis in numerical simulation have been studied extensively over the past decades. Non-deterministic models of spatial uncertainty are modeled in the well-established random field framework. This chapter focuses on the use of the more intuitive interval concept in the context of modeling spatially uncertain properties. It presents the developments in the context of set-based finite element analysis and discusses the state-of-the-art in interval field finite element analysis. The finite element analysis can then be performed by means of an interval rational series expansion. The chapter also discusses the basics of interval finite element analysis. It provides an overview of recent developments in the field of interval field modeling. Three large classes of interval field methods exist, namely those based on the explicit formulation, affine arithmetic and convex-set descriptors.} }