@inproceedings{dal-raf-rat-gri-koc-22-aa-sysmd, author = {Dalecke, {\v{S}}ando and Rafique, Khushnood Adil and Ratzke, Axel, and Grimm, Christoph, and Koch, Johannes}, title = {{SysMD}: {Towards} ``Inclusive'' Systems Engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS)}, year = 2022, month = may, pages = {1-6}, location = {Virtual meeting}, doi = {10.1109/ICPS51978.2022.9816856}, comment = {``The underlying constraint net is a tree network based Affine Arithmetic Decision Diagrams...'' }, abstract = {This paper gives an overview of SysMD. SysMD is a tool and a SysML v2 inspired language. It is a modeling tool specifically aimed at domain experts with little to no high level systems modeling expertise. The language is designed to use intuitive, near natural-language statements and is able to propagate constraints throughout the model by continuously solving a constraint net. Furthermore, the SysMD tool aims to use a recommender system to incentivize the users to document their work in markdown as the tool gives recommendations of existing elements and relationships applicable to the current statements. This structures the knowledge in an easy to use, highly connected, way. This paper describes the syntax and semantics of the language, as well as the reasoning why it was designed in this specific way.} }