@techreport{luc-kow-sto-93-mintr, author = {Cl{\'a}udio L. Lucchesi and Tomasz Kowaltowski and Jorge Stolfi}, title = {Minimization of Binary Finite Automata}, institution = {Departamento de Ci\^{e}ncia da Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o, Univ. of Campinas}, number = {DCC-93-22}, pages = {20}, year = 1993, month = sep, abstract = {Finite automata used to represent large vocabularies of natural languages are quite sparse in the following sense: for the vast majority of states, almost all transitions lead to the rejecting state. This suggests a representation of the automaton in which each state is a small list of transitions entering non rejecting states. It is then possible to factor parts of those lists, thereby saving further space. Depending on the order in which the transitions appear on the lists, the degree of saving varies. This leads to the problem of minimizing such representations. This problem is interesting from a theoretical point of view and quite useful from a practical point of view, as the experimental results presented herein indicate.} }