@inproceedings{egi-fem-spa-98-aa-cir, author = {L. Egiziano and N. Femia and G. Spagnuolo}, title = {New Approaches to the True Worst-Case Evaluation in Circuit Tolerance and Sensitivity Analysis -- {Part} {II}: {Calculation} of the Outer Solution using Affine Arithmetic}, booktitle = {Proc. COMPEL'98 - 6th Workshop on Computer in Power Electronics}, location = {Villa Erba, Italy}, pages = {19--22}, doi = {10.1109/CIPE.1998.779671}, year = 1998, month = jul, altkeys = {egi-fem-spa-98-aacir}, abstract = {For pt. I see ibid., p.133-9 (1998). In this paper a new approach to the calculation of the true worst-case in circuit tolerance analysis (TWC-CTA) based on affine arithmetic is presented. The method proposed solves the problem of maximizing the intrinsic overestimation error which affects interval arithmetic methods in the calculation of the TWC in CTA problems with parameters characterized by large tolerances. The joint application of the technique presented in this paper with that one presented in part I for the calculation of an underestimated solution ensures a reliable and efficient TWC evaluation.} }