  author = {Huahao Shou and Hongwei Lin and Ralph R. Martin and Guojin Wang},
  title = {Modified Affine Arithmetic in Tensor Form for Trivariate Polynomial Evaluation and Algebraic Surface Plotting},
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume = {195},
  number = {1},
  pages = {155-171},
  year = 2006,
  note = {Special Issue: The International Symposium on Computing and Information (ISCI2004)},
  issn = {0377-0427},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cam.2005.08.003},
  keywords = {Interval arithmetic, Affine arithmetic, Algebraic surfaces},
  comment = {Modified AA. Implicit surface plotting},
  abstract = {This paper extends the modified affine arithmetic in matrix form method for bivariate polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve plotting in 2D to modified affine arithmetic in tensor form for trivariate polynomial evaluation and algebraic surface plotting in 3D. Experimental comparison shows that modified affine arithmetic in tensor form is not only more accurate but also much faster than standard affine arithmetic when evaluating trivariate polynomials.}