  title = {A Recursive {Taylor} Method for Ray Casting Algebraic Surfaces},
  author = {Huahao Shou and Wenhao Song and Jie Shen and Ralph Robert Martin and Guo-jin Wang},
  booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Computer Graphics {\&} Virtual Reality (CGVR 2006)},
  location = {Las Vegas},
  year = 2006,
  month = jun,
  pages = {196-202},
  url = {https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=},
  Comment = {Claims that Taylor arith is better than AA},
  abstract = {In this paper, we propose a recursive Taylor method for ray-casting algebraic surfaces. The performance of this approach is compared with four other candidate approaches to raycasting: using interval arithmetic on the power form, using interval arithmetic on centered forms, using affine arithmetic, and using modified affine arithmetic. Test results show that the recursive Taylor method compares favorably to the other methods. }