@mastersthesis{che-08-aa-orthmux-th, author = {Chen, Yanyu}, title = {Bit Width Determination Using Complexity Information for Orthogonal Multiplexing Systems}, school = {National Jiaotong University, TW}, year = 2008, month = aug, url = {https://ir.nctu.edu.tw/bitstream/11536/38189/1/166701.pdf}, note = {Advisor: Jingyang Zhou. Names also romanized as Yen-yu Chen and Jing-Yan Jou}, comment = {Mentions AA but says it is not usable because of loops.}, abstract = {An automatic algorithm using complexity information for the floating point to fixed point conversion is proposed. The goal of the proposed algorithm is to minimize the hardware complexity and reduce the simulation times. The algorithm considers both the integer bit width and the fraction bit width. For the integer bit width, the algorithm identifies numbers of the integer bit width to prevent the overflow. For the fraction bit width, the algorithm uses the lower bound and the upper bound to find the results. We apply the proposed algorithm to the OFDM system. The results show that the proposed algorithm reduces almost 30{\%} simulation time than complexity-and-distortion measure and sequential search method.} }