@misc{men-luk-fuh-08-aa-minbit-sl, author = {Mencer, Oskar and Luk, Wayne and Fu, Haouan}, title = {Optimizing Hardware Function Evaluation}, howpublished = {Online document; slidea from a tutorial.}, year = 2008, month = mar, url = {https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8081/e59bd6555350b60a1c3431263d4520eabce3.pdf}, note = {Google Scholar got the authors all wrong.}, comment = {Describes MiniBit, an AA-based tool to determine the min number of bits needed to avoid overflow and contain the roundoff error for each variable in a DSP FPGA.}, abstract = {1. Evaluation of Elementary Functions; 2. Automatic Exploration of FPGA Designs; 3. Hierarchical Segmentation; 4. Bit-width Optimization; 5. Further Reading} }