@inproceedings{bah-rev-09-aa-solver, author = {Ali Baharev and Endre R{\'e}v}, title = {A Complete Nonlinear System Solver Using Affine Arithmetic}, booktitle = {Proc. Interval Analysis and Constraint Propagation for Applications (IntCP 2009)}, pages = {17-33}, location = {Lisbon, Portugal}, year = 2009, month = sep, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ali-Baharev/publication/237677929_A_complete_nonlinear_system_solver_using_affine/links/0a85e5382708b1dfab000000/A-complete-nonlinear-system-solver-using-affine.pdf#page=24}, comment = {General purpose nonlinear solver}, abstract = {A general framework is presented for finding all solutions to systems of nonlinear equations, or proving that there is no solution to the problem. Components of this framework are interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic, constraint propagation based on directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation of the problem, a pruning technique based on linear programming and a local approximate optimizer. The proposed method is implemented in C++ and will be released as an open source standalone solver. An important feature of the solver is that it is interfaced with the AMPL°R modeling system. Numerical results on difficult benchmarks and comparisons to other solvers are given. The favorable effect of exploiting common subexpressions is also discussed. Real-world problems from chemical engineering, having multiple solutions, are successfully solved.} }