  author = {Eyo, Jude Peter and Izevbizua, Rose},
  title = {Discovering Linear Restraint for Software Validation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the EIE 2nd International Conference on Computing, Energy, Networking, Robotics and Telecommunications (eieCon)},
  location = {Ota, NG},
  publisher = {Covenant University},
  pages = {37-44},
  month = nov,
  note = {No DOI?},
  comment = {Uses AA for software validation.  Discusses a join operator for handling loops and conditionals.  The join apparently consists in computing $\eps_k \aa{x} + (1-eps_k) \aa{y}$ with AA, where $\eps_k$ is a new noise.},
  abstract = {Software is constantly being validated on test techniques which consist in enumerative execution of the application a high number of times. It is not realistic to achieve 100% coverage hence the possibility of runtime error occurrence is inevitable, however the software is considered to be validated. Software validation needs techniques of program analysis; several techniques had been proposed which includes Flow-base, Semantic-based, Inference-based, Abstract interpretation and Random testing; each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages. This research work combines different techniques with a view of using their respective best quality to extract the linear restraint among variables in a source program. The restraints can be used for validation of software before the actual execution of the software. In this research, we reason about abstraction and discover all the restraint in the source program. The work uses Widening and Affine operations for loop and non-deterministic execution of conditionals respectively.}