  author = {Shaban Boloukat, Mohammad Hadi and Akbari Foroud, Asghar},
  title = {Stochastic-based Resource Expansion Planning for a Grid-Connected Microgrid using Interval Linear Programming},
  journal = {Energy},
  year = 2016,
  month = oct,
  volume = {113},
  pages = {776-787},
  doi = {10.1016/j.energy.2016.07.099},
  comment = {Uses interval linear programming (ILP) which is relatd to AA.},
  abstract = {This paper represents a stochastic approach for long-term optimal resource expansion planning of a grid-connected microgrid (MG) containing different technologies as intermittent renewable energy resources, energy storage systems and thermal resources. Maximizing profit and reliability, along with minimizing investment and operation costs, are major objectives which have been considered in this model. Also, the impacts of intermittency and uncertainty in renewable energy resources were investigated. The interval linear programming (ILP) was applied for modelling inherent stochastic nature of the renewable energy resources. ILP presents some superiority in modelling of uncertainties in MG planning. The problem was formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming. It has been demonstrated previously that the benders decomposition (BD) served as an effective tool for solving such problems. BD divides the original problem into a master (investment) problem and operation and reliability subproblems. In this paper a multiperiod MG planning is presented, considering life time, maximum penetration limit of each technology, interest rate, capital recovery factor and investment fund. Real-time energy exchange with the utility is covered, with a consideration of variable tariffs at different load blocks. The presented approach can help MG planners to adopt best decision under various uncertainty levels based on their budgetary policies.}