@article{abe-rao-nai-17-aa-loadflow, author = {Yoseph Mekonnen Abebe and P. Mallikarjuna Rao and M. Gopichand Naik}, title = {Load Flow Analysis of a Power System Network in the Presence of Uncertainty using Complex Affine Arithmetic}, journal = {International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {48-64}, year = 2017, month = sep, doi = {10.5815/ijem.2017.05.05}, altkeys = {abe-rao-nak-17-aa-loadflow}, comment = {complex numbers}, abstract = {The depletion of fossil fuel is driving the world towards the application of renewable energy sources. However, their intermittent nature, in addition to load variation and transmission line sag-tension change due to temperature, is a great deal of problems for reliable power delivery. Without a reliable power delivery, power generation is just a waste of resources. A reliable power delivery can be achieved when the best and the worst case steady state information of a power system network is known to plan and control accordingly. If a system is affected by the presence of uncertainty, a deterministic load flow analysis fails to provide the worst-case load flow result in a single analysis. As a result, a load flow analysis considering the presence of uncertainty is mandatory. On this paper, a novel complex affine arithmetic (AA) based load flow analysis in the presence of generation and load uncertainties is proposed. The proposed approach is tested on an IEEE bus systems and compared with Monte Carlo approach. The proposed approach convergence faster than the Monte Carlo based method and it is slightly conservative.} }