@inproceedings{wan-wan-18-aa-multopt, author = {Wang, Shouxiang and Wang, Han}, title = {Affine Method for Multi-objective Optimizing Configuration of Battery Energy Storage System}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2018)}, year = 2018, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {1-5}, doi = {10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586575}, ISSN = {1944-9933}, month = aug, comment = {AA for multi-objective optimization}, abstract = {In this paper, an affine method considering both randomness of the wind power and the load for multi-objective optimizing configuration of battery energy storage system (BESS) is proposed. According to the method, affine arithmetic is used to solve the uncertain power flow and the network loss, the voltage improvement rate (VIR) and the BESS cost are chosen as the objective functions. New metrics are provided to distinguish the dominance relation between two affine numbers and an improved particle swarm optimizing algorithm is also proposed to get the final Pareto optimal solution set. The IEEE 14-bus transmission system is studied to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the method. Case results suggest that the Pareto optimal solution set achieved by the method can effectively solve the problem of the results, which lack diversity and comprehensiveness, in the existing methods.} }