  author = {Balaei-sani, Salar and Jabari, Farkhondeh and Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Behnam},
  title = {Stochastic Analysis of Gas-Electricity Hybrid Grid Using {Nataf} Transformation Combined with Point Estimation Method},
  booktitle = {Integration of Clean and Sustainable Energy Resources and Storage in Multi-Generation Systems},
  year = 2020,
  month = jul,
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-42420-6_13},
  isbn = {978-3-030-42419-0},
  pages = {259–281},
  comment = {Does not use AA? But describes someone else's work that does.},
  abstract = {Nowadays, the high fluctuations of the wind products causing large-scale energy systems are operated at their stability margins. In a gas-power interconnected system, if the wind power is insufficient and the electrical demand increases, more natural gas will be consumed by the conventional thermal power plants. Therefore, not only the optimum operating point of the electrical grid will change, but also the volume of the gas extracted from the suppliers, the pressure of the gas nodes, and the gas flow of the pipelines will vary. Hence, this chapter introduces a probabilistic optimal power flow (P-OPF) for modeling the uncertainties associated with the correlated input random variables (RVs). Moreover, the point estimate method (PEM) is used for generating $2m + 1$ stochastic scenarios in a way that the correlated wind speeds with Weibull and loads with normal distribution functions are transformed into the independent normal distribution using the Nataf transformation. The accuracy, calculation time, and the applicability of the PEM in probabilistic analysis of gas-power nexus are proven by simulations on IEEE RTS 24-bus electrical network and 20-node gas grid under generalized algebraic mathematical modeling system (GAMS).}