  author = {Snehashish Chakraverty and Saudamini Rout},
  title = {Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain Static and Dynamic Problems},
  series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics},
  publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool},
  year = 2020,
  month = mar,
  pages = {170},
  doi = {10.2200/S00983ED1V01Y202001MAS032},
  note = {Original edition. Reprinted by Springer: see [cha-rou-20-aa-book-spr].},
  comment = {General description of AA and applications. Fuzzy AA},
  abstract = {Uncertainty is an inseparable component of almost every measurement and occurrence when dealing with real-world problems. Finding solutions to real-life problems in an uncertain environment is a difficult and challenging task. As such, this book addresses the solution of uncertain static and dynamic problems based on affine arithmetic approaches. Affine arithmetic is one of the recent developments designed to handle such uncertainties in a different manner which may be useful for overcoming the dependency problem and may compute better enclosures of the solutions. Further, uncertain static and dynamic problems turn into interval and/or fuzzy linear/nonlinear systems of equations and eigenvalue problems, respectively. Accordingly, this book includes newly developed efficient methods to handle the said problems based on the affine and interval/fuzzy approach. Various illustrative examples concerning static and dynamic problems of structures have been investigated in order to show the reliability and efficacy of the developed approaches.}