@incollection{cha-rou-20-aa-ulindyn, title = {Uncertain Linear Dynamic Problems}, author = {Chakraverty, Snehashish and Rout, Saudamini}, booktitle = {Affine Arithmetic Based Solution of Uncertain Static and Dynamic Problems}, series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics {\&} Statistics}, year = 2020, pages = {97-124}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-02424-5_6}, comment = {Linear eigenvalue problems with uncertainty. Uses AA?}, abstract = {The dynamic analysis of various science and engineering problems with different material and geometric properties lead to linear eigenvalue problems (LEPs) such as the generalized eigenvalue problem (GEP) and standard eigenvalue problem (SEP). In general, the material and geometric properties are assumed to be in the form of crisp (or exact). However, due to several errors and insufficient or incomplete information of data, uncertainties are assumed to be present in the material and geometric properties. Traditionally, these uncertainties are modeled through probabilistic approaches, which are unable to deliver efficient and reliable solutions without a sufficient amount of experimental data. Thus, these uncertain material and geometric properties may be modeled through closed intervals or convex normalized fuzzy sets. In this regard, efficient handling of these eigenvalue problems in an uncertain environment is a challenging and important task to deal with.} }