@entry{soa-13-aa-allsols, author = {RP Soares}, title = {Finding all real solutions of nonlinear systems of equations with discontinuities by a modified affine arithmetic}, journal = {Computers & Chemical Engineering,}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = 2013, month = , doi = {}, comment = {}, abstract = {}, url = {{\url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135412002542?casa_token=uXifPNoSh_wAAAAA:kgJsqv9F0h-28Igv0GrntwRSJVFScUrg9YVMnFBPKzGL2Qkj8NoLr2kfXDyB3FdMc9ZXx5f2}}}, quotes = {... A modified affine arithmetic is used in an interval Newton method plus generalized bisection... and affine arithmetic In this section a brief introduction on interval and affine arithmetic is ...} }